Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies At Nº 9 Coffee Bar in Lunenburg

A dirty chai latté, a cappuccino, and the brown butter chocolate chip cookie that I can’t stop thinking about.

We had the most wonderful brown butter chocolate chip cookie last weekend at Nº 9 Coffee Bar in Lunenburg. And I can’t stop thinking about it! First of all, it was huge—the size of a plate. It was chewy all the way through, except for the edges which were perfectly crunchy. It had an incredibly toasted nut, charred bread, totally umami, brown butter flavour. And it had perfect chocolate chip distribution—just enough. I hate a chocolate chip cookie with too many chocolate chips. Sometimes I even long for one without them at all.

I’m not quite sure why I have never felt a strong love for, or connection to Lunenburg, but it is safe to say that this is changing. This most recent visit absolutely charmed my pants off, and I’m eagerly awaiting my next visit. I’ve always had a sort of ambivalence towards the South Shore—neither in love with, not out of love with. I’ve just always felt a stronger connection to Halifax, or the Annapolis Valley. But after living in the Valley for the past year and a half, I’m starting to wonder if I’m ready for a change. I really miss the ocean, the lakes, and the colourful historic architecture that makes places like Lunenburg so special.

Michale going in for a ‘this cup is too full to lift’ sip.

After relaxing and enjoying our latte, cappuccino, and cookie in the darling Nº 9 café, we popped into some of the local shops around town. This gorgeous Jonathan Adler mirror, and these funky dripping glasses caught my eye. Another thing I am finding refreshing about Lunenburg, and maybe the South Shore at large, is that there seems to be a bustling artistic community producing a plethora of stunning works. For example, in the reflection of the mirror below you can see some beautiful hooked rugs, wool blankets, paintings, and more.

The incredibly charming shop, Jenny Jib, on the corner of Lincoln Street & Cornwallis Street in Lunenburg.


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