Honeymoon-ing: A trip to Wonderful Wallace

Lobster season! 🦞 Saison du homard!

The honeymoon continues! So far our honeymoon has been a patchwork of dinners here, lunches there, and as seen here, a night away at our dear friend Hilary’s cottage in Wallace.

5:39pm — I love the stillness that falls this time of day.

Down to the river for a pre-dinner swim.

Collecting flowers for the dinner table.

Is this the best dinner view ever? Maybe!

How could one feel anything other than serene while looking out the screened porch, onto the grassy hill, over the Wallage River, and beyond? I don’t think you could. This is pure bliss if you ask me.

Mustard pickles, yellow and green beans, potato salad, and fresh lobster.

The mustard pickles were spectacular—pickled foods are my favourite. And Hilary really knocked it out of the park with her potato salad. It was creamy, it was a little spicy, it had a touch of sharpness, and a little bite from the fresh chives from the garden.

Summer lobster, summer corn, and summer beans somewhere outside of the shot.

Paul enjoying the summer feast.

We sat down to dinner around 8:00pm. The sun was starting to set, and gorgeous strokes of gold were starting to fall over the distant tree line. The whole room was glowing, and it made the food taste 10 times better.

After dinner, we were still sitting at the table and enjoying the blue, purple, and pink hues that were now setting in about an hour later. I was telling Paul that this is my favourite part of a meal. When the table is mostly cleared, and all that remains are the mostly melted candles, our wine glasses, and a few bottles with not much left in them.

I laid back on the daybed I was sitting on, topped up my glass of rosé, and took a couple deep breaths. I was stuffed, I needed a moment to digest, to chat, and to soak it all in. I was in heaven.

A beautiful spread.

Ella enjoying the evening.

And after dinner, after digesting, after polishing off the wine, it was time for a walk. We headed down the street, and up the mountain. The view was stunning, and the dogs were very pleased.

Heading down the street towards the trail up the mountain.

Dog heaven.


Honeymoon-ing: The Cabot Trail, Cape Breton *with Mersey and Ivan


Honeymoon-ing: Dinner in Grande Pré @ Longfellow